Pack 770's
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Raingutter Regatta
U.S. Flag and More
Scouting History
American Legion Post

Cub Scout Pack 770
(Parma, Ohio)
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Stearns Farm

Great job to all the scouts for helping us collect much needed food and money for Parma's very own historical farm during the Stuff the tent event.

Annual Veteran's Appreciation Dinner

The scouts did a great job serving our veterans 
Dinner. The veterans appreciates the scout presentations. The meaning of the 13 folds, Colors of the flag and flag ceremony.

Meatloaf, potatoes, salad and dessert.

Metroparks clean up

Pack 770 Parma is committed to serving our community.

Look at all that garbage.

Hall repairs

Pack 770 rebuilt the dumpster for our Veterans Hall.

Hall Clean Up

We appreciate the Veterans at the American Legion Post and the service they provided to our great nation! 


Parma Safety Fair

Pack 770 has volunteered at the Parma Safety Fair for the past 6 years.  This year we had a Stop Drop and Roll demonstration, Checking smoke detectors and Crawl under the smoke!