Cold Weather Camping
-The key to keeping warm is to follow the C. (Clean) O. (Overheat) L. (Layering) D. (Dry) guidelines and to drink plenty of fluids. If your clothes are clean and dry, they will breathe better and you'll stay warmer. If you overheat, your clothes will be wet and you will easily chill.
-Layering your clothes will keep your clean, warm and dry and will prevent overheating. If you start to feel warm, simply remove a layer of clothing. If you start to feel cold, add another layer of clothing. An example of proper layering starting from the layer closest to your skin on the upper half of your body would be thermal top, t-shirt, shirt, sweater and jacket. For your head, a scarf and a ski hat. For your feet, thin, breathable socks, wool socks, boot s and pac/snow boots.
-see link below for checklist
Warm Weather Camping
The key to staying cool is very similar to the guide to staying warm, and that is to layer your clothing.
Wear enough to keep you comfortable so that you don't overheating and sweating. Remove layers of clothing when you start getting too hot.
- Wear a hat and avoid dark colors when you are travelling through areas of direct sunlight. Put on an appropriate amount of sunscreen.
- Drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration
- Stay away from carbonated drinks -see link below for checklist