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Cub Scout Pack 120
(Rutland, Vermont)
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Popcorn 2015

Sell just one item and receive this collector patch!!

Sell $100 in Popcorn (either online or face-to-face) to throw a pie in the Cubmaster's Face.  One pie per $100 Sold.  $500 equals five pies.


For every order sheet that you fill up (30 orders per sheet) you will be placed in a drawing for a remote controlled monster truck.

Sell at least $650 (either online or face-to-face) and earn a bonus gift card to Walmart in addition to a reward of your choice from the prize catalog and scout bucks to be used toward summer camp fees.

The TOP seller of the Pack will get a free week at Cub Scout Summer Camp in Benson Vermont!  A $400 value!!!!!!

Sell at least $2,500 (either online or face-to-face) and 6% of your sales will be invested in a college scholarship account

(Click on image for more information)

Did You Know???

33% of your sales stays directly with Pack 120 and 1/3 of the sales go to our statewide Green Mountain Council. The Remaining 1/3 go back to Trails End. 

Trail’s End has made their popcorn and their other products healthier by using less canola oil and less sodium?

Americans consume about 16 billion quarts of popcorn per year. That's 52 quarts per man, woman and child!

The new, resealable packaging from Trail’s End is kinder to the earth,fully recyclable and is said to be thicker than a soda can!  WOW!

Customers that don’t want to buy popcorn can send a donation of popcorn to soldiers overseas!  See your packet for more information! 

Popcorn kernels can pop up to 3 feet in the air!





2015 products
(Including nutritional info)

Training Videos

Popcorn for our Troops

Scout Selling Guide
(Helpful tips including safety tips)

Extra Sales Form
(Send one to work with a family member)

Sales Script
(Guide to help scouts with finding the right words)

Best Selling Practices

How to Sell 25 Items in One Week

Trails End Scout Homepage