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Pinewood Derby
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Blue & Gold

Cub Scout Pack 73
(Southern Pines, North Carolina)
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Camping: Helps plan the campouts (usually 2 a year). This includes location, menu, and activities (if needed). Help organize all of the logistics: food shopping, equipment needs, equipment delivery, equipment recovery, and duty roster. This is usually a busy job for one month in the fall and one month in the spring.

Blue and Gold Banquet: Helps organize the Blue and Gold banquet (celebrates the birthday of Scouting), and the Arrow of Light Webelos Scouts crossover. This includes catering decision, indoor decoration, program handout, outdoor ceremony, and both setup and clean up. The committee is comprised of a representative from each Den as well as the Cubmaster. The Cubmaster is responsible for reserving the site (typically Camp Durant), designing and printing the program and awards. The committee isteslf is responsible for food, set up, decorations and clean up. The Webelos II Den Leader is responsible with the Cubmaster for the crossover ceremony. This is a job that has short periods of work starting in the fall, and ending at the event in February, approximately 4-6 hours planning and preparing an 5 hours on the day of the event.

Community Service: Helps organize the annual food and clothing drive for the Moore County Coalition. This event starts in the fall and ends with the drop off before Thanksgiving.

Popcorn/fundraising: Popcorn is our major fundraiser event. Planning meetings for this begin in late summer with the district Kernel. Responsibilities are deployment of packets, collection of items sold, Pack level pick up, den level distribution, money collection, and prize distribution. This event runs from late summer to the beginning of December.

Pinewood Derby: Pinewood derby is the favorite event of the year. Responsibilities include pre-race announcements, weigh-in and collection, track setup, awards, and clean up. The time line for this event is late winter to early spring.

Treasurer: Handles all of the financing to include monies in (dues, fundraising, donations, and collections) and monies out (advancement products, equipment, payments).  Ensures the finances are organized and readily available. This is a year round position.

Advancement: Registers all advancement with council both on-line and with advancement reports. Procures all awards and distributes out to the dens for recognition. This is a year round position.