Cub Scout pack 51 Leader Job Responsibilities
Pack Committee Chairperson:
The Pack Committee Chairperson’s responsibilities are to:
Recruit additional volunteers to assist where needed.
Keep the Chartered Organization Representative informed of the needs of the pack that must be brought to the attention of the organization or the district.
Confer with the Cubmaster on policy matters relating to Cub Scouting and the chartered organization.
Assist the Cubmaster plan a year-round, quality program for all scouts.
Supervise Committee operation by
Calling and presiding at pack leaders’ meetings, usually held monthly.
Assigning duties to Committee members.
Planning for pack charter review, roundup, and re-registration.
Approving bills as required before payment by the pack treasurer.
Work with the Chartered Organization Representative to provide adequate and safe facilities for meetings.
Work with the Committee and the Cubmaster on fund raising events.
Keep the Committee and pack informed of relevant pack business.
Arrange for leader awards as appropriate
Pack Treasurer:
The Treasurer’s responsibilities are to:
With the help of the Committee and Cubmaster, establish an annual budget that supports a sound financial program for the pack.
Maintain a bank account in the pack’s name and insure a minimum of (2) other active registered Pack Leaders are signatures on the account.
Approve all budget expenditures. Check all disbursements against budget allowances, and pay bills by check. The pack Committee Chair, along with the Treasurer, must approve non-budgeted expenditures and any expenditure over $500 before payment.
Keep up-to-date financial records. Enter all income and expenditures under the proper budget category in the finance record.
Reconcile the bank statement with the financial record on a monthly basis.
Track registration (re-charter) payments for all scouts.
Provide the following to the Pack Committee Chair and Cubmaster on a monthly basis:
Make regular monthly reports to the Committee on the pack’s financial condition at the pack leaders’ meeting (in person or by proxy).
Coordinate and document a quarterly audit of pack financial records by a non-pack leader once a year.
Pack Advancement Coordinator:
The responsibilities of the Advancement Coordinator are to:
Recruit additional volunteers to assist where needed.
Have a working knowledge of the Cub Scout advancement plans.
Maintain advancement records in ScoutTrack program.
Prompt Den Leaders to enter advancement reporting in ScoutTrack.
Purchase badges and insignia as needed from the local scout store or council service center.
Provide Den Leaders with advancement report and awards for distribution at pack meetings.
Assist with advancement recognition ceremonies as needed.
Promote the wearing and proper use of uniform and insignia.
Pack Quartermaster:
The responsibilities of the Quartermaster are to:
Maintain asset inventory list of all pack equipment and other assets, including:
Make equipment available to pack leaders as needed.
Insure storage locations are secure and appropriate.
Make recommendations to the Committee for additional or replacement equipment as needed.
Conduct an annual asset inventory with at least one non-pack leader parent and provide the documented summary of the audit to the Committee, Cubmaster and Den Leaders.
Recruit additional volunteers to assist where needed.
Pack Secretary:
The secretary is responsible for:
· Keep informed of all Cub Scouting literature, materials, records and forms to help leaders function effectively.
· Acquaint Den Leaders with proper record keeping.
· Maintain up-to-date information on membership, training, leadership, attendance and advancement.
· Maintain an inventory of pack supplies.
· Handle correspondence for the pack.
· Keep notes of all pack leader’s meetings.
· Notify leaders of pack leader’s meetings and other activities.
· Provide Den Leaders with records and forms for meetings.
· Produce a yearly and monthly pack activities calendar and newsletter.
Pack Chaplain/Religious Emblem Coordinator:
The responsibilities of the Religious Emblem Coordinator are to:
Promote a faith based environment with other pack leaders.
Work with Den Leaders to make resources for other religious patches and awards available.
Promote the religious emblems within the pack.
Make emblem workbooks and other collateral available to scouts.
Coordinate completed workbook review with parents and the parish.
Work with the Committee to insure proper recognition is given.
Pack Membership Chair
The membership chair is responsible for:
· Prepare reregistration papers for pack and charter organization.
· Ask the chartered organization to submit a charter application.
· Arrange for a membership inventory on a regular basis. Register all new Scouts for inventory.
· Help Cubmaster and Chartered Organization Representative conduct a charter presentation.
· Work with Cubmaster and Pack Committee Chair to plan and carry out a year-round recruitment program with emphasis on spring recruitment of Tiger Cubs and Fall Join Scouting Night.
· Work with Cubmaster and Pack Committee Chair on all graduations of Scouts.
· Follow-up on all Cub Scout dropouts to help them return to active membership.
Outdoor Activities Coordinator
The Outdoor Activities Coordinator is responsible for:
· Ensuring there is one outdoor activity per month
· Assists in securing permission to use campsites
· Promotes the National Camping Award
· Promotes, through family meetings, attendance at Pack camping events, camporees, and summer camp
· Secures permits for all activities
Pack Trainer
The pack trainer is responsible for:
· Conducting orientation of new families and pack leaders
· Training for each new leader and pack committee member for his or her specific position.
· Conducting other training as designated by district/council.
· Encourage leaders to attend ongoing trainings.
· Remaining current with training material and program updates.
· Keeping track of pack training records
Cubmaster and Assistant Cubmasters
The Cubmaster’s responsibilities are:
· Conduct a pack program according to the policies of the Boy Scouts of America.
· Complete training for the position.
· Plan and help carry out the Cub Scout program in the pack.
· Attend all pack leader’s meetings Know about and use the appropriate literature.
· Work with the pack committee on (1) program ideas, (2) selecting and recruiting leaders, (3) establishing a budget plan.
o Guide and support den leaders. See that they receive training for their positions.
· Help establish and maintain good relationships with the unit commissioner, Boy Scout troops, professional and charter organization
· Maintain a good relationship with families. Seek their support.
· See that the Assistant Cubmasters carries their responsibilities.
· Help plan and conduct impressive ceremonies.
· Support the policies of the BSA.
Tiger Cub Den Leader
The Tiger Cub Den Leader is responsible for:
· Leadership in carrying out the pack program in the den.
· Complete training for their specific position.
· Led the den in its participation at the pack meeting.
· Serve as den host for family members at pack meetings.
· Work in harmony with other den leaders of the pack.
· Help the pack recruit new members.
· Coordinate shared leadership among Tiger Cub adult partners in the den.
· Ensure that each Tiger Cub team has the opportunity to be the host team, planning and executing the den activities, rotating responsibilities each month.
· Keep accurate records of den dues, attendance and advancement.
· Encourage Tiger Cubs to earn advancements.
· Work with Tiger Cub parents in planning and executing the den activities.
· Take part in the pack leader’s meetings and planning conferences.
· Set a good example for the Tiger Cubs and their families.
· Support the policies of the BSA.
Cub Scout Den Leaders and Assistant Den Leaders
The Cub Scout Den Leader is responsible for:
· Leadership in carrying out the pack program in the den.
· Complete training for their specific position.
· Plan, prepare for, and conduct den meetings.
· Led the den in its participation at the pack meeting.
· Work in harmony with other den leaders of the pack.
· Help the pack recruit new members.
· Help train the den chief and guide him in working with the den.
· Provide meaningful jobs for the denner and assistant denner.
· Keep accurate records of den dues, attendance and advancement.
· Encourage Cub Scouts to earn advancements.
· Work with Cub Scout parents in helping plan and execute the den activities.
· Take part in the pack leader’s meetings and planning conferences.
· Set a good example for the Cub Scouts and their families.
· Support the policies of the BSA.
Popcorn Kernel
The Popcorn Kernel is responsible for:
· Raising money for the operating costs of the Pack
· Planning of all “Show-n-Sell” events for the Pack
· Ensuring all Scouts and their parents attend the “show-n-Sell” events as assigned
· Gathering of all Popcorn order forms and submitting them to the Council
· Dispersing all popcorn orders once they are obtained
· Collecting all money needed for the popcorn sales.
· Must be organized and full of energy
Pack Webmaster
The Pack Webmaster is responsible for:
· Updating the Pack website with all relevant information
· Ensuring Scouts/parents have access to the site as needed
· Addressing website issues in a timely fashion
· Ensuring security of site